Homework Schedule



Students will be given a homework folder with protective sleeves.  This folder will include a sleeve for our weekly newsletter, "Panther Pride". This newsletter includes weekly spelling words, vocabulary words and definitions, weekly skills, homework and test schedule, and important announcements and events.  I do not assign much homework because I feel that time spent with your family is important.  Being a mother of four and having the same busy schedule as many of you, I know that family time is precious. My homework schedule is listed below.

Monday: Study Spelling Words and Story Vocabulary

Tuesday: Study Spelling Words and Story Vocabulary, Read Weekly Story

Wednesday: Study Spelling Words and Story Vocabulary, Read Weekly Story

Thursday: Study Spelling Words

Friday: No Homework! (unless a special project is assigned)

*Students will only have math homework if their classwork is not completed in class. Ample time will be given for students to complete their written practice and other assignments.  Homework will also be sent home if a student needs to practice a skill that has not been mastered. 

Third graders also begin learning their multiplication facts.  Please make time to practice these facts with your child so that they will be more successful in math.  When it comes to multiplication, practice makes it stick!  

Thank you for helping your child with their homework and helping to make this year a great success!